Independence Squares welcomes all to our inclusive square dance community!
Information concerning our Health and Safety Protocols (HASP) can be found at the link below. All dancers and guests are responsible for understanding and abiding by our COVID-19 protocols, so we encourage you to read them carefully. We have also provided links to additional information about trends regionally and nationwide.
All About Square Dancing
and Philly’s Independence Squares:
Independence Squares is Philadelphia’s Modern Western Square Dance club serving the LGBTQ+ community and our allies. The club offers an assortment of classes and workshops for beginners through experienced dancers. For more information, see our “Classes” link or email us at
Classes for beginners start every September. In addition, we typically have a few open houses every summer for beginning dancers who might be interested in our club. Please contact us at and we will reply to acknowledge your interest and add you to our email list of potential square dancers. Everyone on that list will receive emails about our open houses and any other opportunities for novice square dancers as soon as we schedule them.

Unlike conventional clubs, you don’t have to come with a partner, anyone can dance either the man’s or woman’s part, and we dance to a broad range of music that can include Abba, Garth Brooks, Fleetwood Mac, Lady Gaga, Phantom of the Opera and ZZ Top (for starters). You can dance in jeans and t-shirts too. Square dancing is a social, low-key way to meet people.
The call lists are those used by Callerlab. Classes are open to all, and you can become a member after you learn the Mainstream program and pay membership dues. Dances are open to all dancers who have learned the full program being called at the dance.
2022 Glitter Ball
In addition to dancing with us, once you’ve learned the Mainstream program, you can go to square dances all over the country and around the world and join right in. There are dances locally, regionally nationally, and internationally, with attendance ranging from 20 to over 1,000 people at national conventions.
So banish those memories of high school gym class and see how much more fun you can have as a grown up! Hope to see you in a square!
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